Resume the Battle

Arrows fly toward me
from multiple directions.

Fear seizes my soul
and despair rises up.

Faith, my mighty shield,
hangs idly by my side.

My eyes, once focused on
Jesus, now look elsewhere.

The enemy senses that
my defeat is soon coming.

Then I remember that
the war is already won.

I look to my Savior.

I raise my shield.

I resume the battle.

Because victory is already mine.

24 thoughts on “Resume the Battle

  1. Hmmm…I left a comment earlier in the evening but don’t see it now.

    Love the poem. i need to remember that the battle has already been won, and that I’m on the side of the Victorious One!

      • Other than adding my email to your “OK” list, I have no idea how to fix it. I know hotmail has an option when you get something that goes to the junk folder, it gives you an option to click a place that says the email is OK and then it isn’t sent to the junk folder anymore.

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