Christ Jesus has graciously allowed me to minister to His precious people and share the Gospel with both the saved and the lost. As such, feel free to contact me at if…..

1. You want me to speak at an event.

2.  You want me to preach at your church.

3.  You want me to guest post for you.

4.  You have any questions about me, this blog, my faith, or anything else I can help you with.

I will get back to you as quickly as I can.



6 thoughts on “CONTACT

  1. I picked up a copy of the Senior Standard (Vol 5 No 8) and had the immense pleasure of reading your article “Wobbly Grace”. As a chronic pain patient with a long list of “invisible” illnesses, I found this story to be heartwarming. I intend to read it to our support group next week.

    I immediately wanted to read more of your writings and am very pleased you have this website. I intend to send a link to several friends and family members so they may enjoy your teachings as well.

    God Bless You!

  2. Thank You, Dorothy, for your kind words. I do not deserve them, but am grateful for them nonetheless. I’m not sure where you live, but I also write a column that appears in the East Knox Area News, a monthly newspaper that can be found in East Knox County and parts of Sevier and Jefferson Counties.

    Please let me know if I can ever be of assistance to you as you seek to follow Christ.

  3. Pastor Matt.
    My wife and I are seeking God about moving back to the mountains to Pastor,
    we pastor a church on the east coast at this time. If you here of any church
    seeking a pastor please let us know.

    Your Bro. in Christ,
    Rev. Gregg and Sister marcia

    252-823-6210 home

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