What was THAT All About?

If you are still reading this blog after yesterday–Thanks! I thought that all of you would have given up on me after all of that blah blah blah stuff.

But instead it seemed to strike a chord with many of you. In fact, yesterday’s post was my most viewed post in quite a while.

 I think I know why. And it wasn’t just because it was funny in an absurd sort of way.

I think we are tired.

We are tired of hearing and reading words that are meaningless.

We desperately want to learn and grow and become more like Christ, yet many of  the words that we take in are shallow and trivial.

And by taking all of these words in, the words that we say and write often become just as meaningless.

We were made for more than this. We were made to think thoughts, say phrases, and write words that matter. That encourage others. That glorify God. That express deep truths. That demonstrate love. That show others that those who follow Christ are real people with real problems and real reasons to laugh.

But we get caught up in the wrong things.

Blog posts don’t write themselves and our self-imposed deadlines are looming. We worry more about style in our sermons, lessons, or presentations that we do substance. Our blog stats take a nose-dive and we have to find a way to get them back to where we want them. Others are writing or talking about things that we care nothing about, but since they seem to have gotten attention doing it….

We take in so many meaningless words that when the pressure to produce content increases, all we are able to come up with are meaningless words, too.

Before long everything that we hear and read, say and write turns into blah blah blah.

We can do better.

We can cut through the clutter and vow to spend time reading and listening things that really matter.

We can put more thought and prayer into what we proclaim in both written and verbal form.

We can hold each other accountable to both do our best and be our best.

Life is too short  for us settle for meaninglessness and mediocrity when the depths of God’s greatness and our place in His world are still in need of being explored.

Be honest–did you think I had gone a little bit crazy as you were reading yesterday’s post?
How can we make sure that the words we say and write stay meaningful?